Welcome to Bond Lane.
Bond {bond} noun: something that binds, fastens, or holds together, such as a chain or rope
Lane {leyn} noun: any well-defined passage, track, channel, or course.
With Bond Lane, we set out to try something a little different - and we think we have succeeded.
It started with one question "Can we use a TV as a backdrop." The simple answer was yes, but it was immediately obvious that it was not that simple. By having such a strong light source at the back of the scene, everything else would be left in silhouette and so additional light sources would be needed. This introduced the challenge of how to get those light sources to sync with changes to the video on the backdrop.
After several false starts and failed efforts, we eventually struck on a combination of different techniques to create a series of theatrical style scenes.
The result is something new and very different - at exhibitions the public are enthralled while other modellers scratch their heads trying to work out all the different elements needed to make it a reality.
If you want something different and memorable at your next exhibition then get in touch.